Sunday, April 20, 2008

My favoritest Bushism

Habibi Gooz gave me a calendar for Christmas - "The George W. Bush Out of Office Countdown" which tells you how many days are left in the Bush Presidency (275 as of April 20) and a Bushism for the day. Today's Bushism, from an appearance on CNBC in April, 2000 is:

"Laura and I really don't realize how bright our children is sometimes until we get an objective analysis."

There you have it folks. A guy with TWO Ivy League Degrees speaking about how bright his daughters is. If I were Harvard and Yale I'd want - no, make that demand - my degrees back.

But I think I've come up with my favoritest Bushism to date, one he uttered last week in the Rose Garden while discussing the war in Iraq:

“So long as I’m the president, my measure of success is victory – and success,’’ the president said in the Rose Garden.

I think we should all do that - let's all say that now we measure success by success. And victory. And since we've had nothing but success and victory in Iraq, we can measure our success by the successes we've had and the successfulness we've witnessed and the successfullest successes we've accomplished. And don't forget the successful victories! It's all a successful success, matched only by our victorious victories which have all been a success! Personally, I blame the MSM for not saying more about our successes, whether they be victorious successes, or just successful victories, but in any case, our measure of success is success and the whole thing has been one long success!

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