Tuesday, April 15, 2008

McCain to oppose Webb's GI Bill

Several weeks ago, I blogged about Sen. Jim Webb's updated GI Bill, which includes significant changes to the education benefits offered by the US military. Despite calls by Webb and others for McCain to join on as one of the 50+ co-sponsors to the bill, McCain today said he would join the military in opposing Webb's amendment, making the argument that more generous educational benefits for today's soldiers would hurt the military.

Sorry, Senator, but you and the Pentagon have it way, way wrong. Today's fighting men and women deserve the chance to better themselves with a college education, and the least that you and the rest of the "Support the Troops" non-supporters can do is offer them an updated GI bill with improved educational benefits - much like the benefits your son is getting at the USNA. But perhaps what's good for the goose is not good for the collective ganders?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Support the Troops" cry the GOP and their chickenhawk lackeys...

Remember my rule. How do you know when a Republican is lying? Their lips are moving!

Especially true of ol'Huggy McSame. He's quite a different guy than the one I remember in 2000. Sad, really.

I think they debrained him when he had is cancer work done...
