The man to your left, Douglas J. Feith, had this to say about torture and people who worry about it (from TPM Muckraker)
Feith boasted to Sands that back in 2002, he "was really a player" in ensuring that Gitmo detainees would not receive Geneva protections.
But when Sands asked him "whether, in the end, he was at all concerned that the Geneva decision might have diminished America’s moral authority," Feith got nasty: He was not. “The problem with moral authority,” he said, was “people who should know better, like yourself, siding with the assholes, to put it crudely.”
Hmmmmm.....wonder what those who had to work with Dougie thought of him?
Here's what GEN Tommy Franks had to say about Dougie (from Bob Woodward's book Plan of Attack, page 281):
"I have to deal with the stupidest fucking guy on the planet almost every day."
Here's what then National Security Advisor Condi Rice had to say about the Dougster:
"According to the long-running Washington newsletter, The Nelson Report, edited by Christopher Nelson, quoting an anonymous source, Feith was standing in for Rumsfeld at a 2003 interagency 'Principals' Meeting' debating the Middle East, and ended his remarks on behalf of the Pentagon. Then-National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice said, "Thanks Doug, but when we want the Israeli position we'll invite the ambassador."
Here's what Colin Powell's Chief of Staff Larry Wilkerson had to say about Doug:
"Seldom in my life have I met a dumber man."
He also had this to say about Doug and David Wurmser:
"A lot of these guys, including Wurmser, I looked at as card-carrying members of the Likud party, as I did with Feith. You wouldn’t open their wallet and find a card, but I often wondered if their primary allegiance was to their own country or to Israel. That was the thing that troubled me, because there was so much that they said and did that looked like it was more reflective of Israel’s interest than our own."
Here's what CENTCOM Deputy Director LGEN Michael DeLong had to say about Feithy:
"Feith wasn't somebody we enjoyed working with, and to go much further than that would probably not be a good thing. To be honest, we blew him off lots of times. Told the secretary that he's full of baloney, his people working for him are full of baloney. It was a real distraction for us, because he was the number three guy in the Department of Defense."
I suppose there are much worse things in this world than being labeled an asshole by the "stupidest fucking guy on the planet." Living with the mess that is Iraq would be one, though I'm sure that doesn't bother ole Doug. You've gotta have a conscience for that.
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