Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Wingers get their panties in a bunch.

AGAIN. Seriously, the wingnuts on the right seem to be perpetually afraid of their own shadow - and everyone else's to boot. For as much grief as I give those cowards for not signing up to fight, we're probably all better off that they're here in the states being douchebags rather than having them sit in a foxhole soiling their pants everytime a person of Arab descent walks by.

What's got them all atwitter? This:

Rachel Ray holding an iced coffee. AND OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! WEARING A KEFFIYEH!!1! She's a member of Hamas, no Hezbollah, no she wants to bear Osama's children !!!!1!

Of course, a keffiyeh looks like this:

and this:

Even some of Malkin's brain dead followers know that she's making a mountain out of something that's not even close to a molehill. Rachel Ray is wearing what we call a "scarf". See how the patterns are different between what RR is wearing and a keffiyeh? And how her scarf has long tassles, and keffiyeh's don't? That means THEY'RE NOT THE SAME THING. Morans.

Besides, everyone knows that this is the way to wear a keffiyeh, beautifully worn by our pet olive-wood camel, Ali Talal, who greets visitors in our front entryway:

Update: Oh my god....this Army/Navy store is selling keffiyeh-like scarves! Why do Army/Navy stores want the terrorists to win????

Update again: The good folks at Sadly, No! found this interesting pic, which obiviously means Michelle Malkin is a terrorist sympathizer: got some 'splainin' to do!!!

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