Sunday, April 13, 2008

Things that make you go...hmmmm.....

Headline on the Huffington Post: "Shieffer asks Pelosi: Is Bill Clinton Working to Undermine Wife's Candidacy?"

I've been making this point to my husband and some friends for about a month now. Bill Clinton is a very astute political guy. He lives it, he loves it, it feeds him. So why has he made a series of gaffes while out on the stump for his wife? First there was this episode with Bill saying about Barack Obama's war votes "This is the biggest fairy tale I've ever seen..." Then there was the episode in South Carolina where Bill compared Barack to Jesse Jackson. Then there was the reported red-faced tirade directed at superdelagates in California, complete with yelling and finger pointing.

Now comes Bill's insistence on bringing up the Tuzla incident again (where Hillary claimed to have landed in Bosnia under incoming mortar fire, something she later recanted and the pilot flying her there denied as well).

So, what gives? Personally, I think it's because Bill doesn't want Hillary to win. He wants to be the only Clinton to be President. No way he wants to sit around the White House while Hillary's in the Oval Office answering the phone at 3 am. I would imagine that being President does wonders for the ego - try to imagine being one of only 43 people in the history of the country to have achieved the Presidency of the world's superpower. It's probably hard to top that feeling of being the top dog- and no way Bill Clinton wants Hillary to be one of those select few, either.

There's just no other way to explain how such a smart guy is making such stupid blunders on his wife's behalf. I'll bet he's catching hell like he's never caught before - and given the rumors about those two, that's saying something.

From today's CBS' Face the Nation:


Anonymous said...

Bill Clinton not wanting his wife to win? My, how narcissistic of him...

Oh yeah, before W I though Bill was the King of Narcissism. Maybe he's in the hunt for the title once again? This time, he has to fight it out with his other half... a real "War of the Roses"!

Pox on all of them!!! Damn Boomers will be the death of our nation. Not a one of them wants to give back to the rest of us...


Anonymous said...

you might want to read this post and thread...

I'm back to saying its Iran '77. Just one fellah police recruit (with bullets in his gun) at the wrong "peaceful" rally and the spark jumps to the powder lying all around...


Two Cent Thinkier said...

Interesting take on both Mubarak and Egypt in general. It's always a pleasure to read thoughtful essays and comments, instead of the "your a moonbat" and the like (spelling mistake intentional).

I think it's correct to say that the Muslim Brotherhood, while not winning persay at the ballot box (due almost entirely to interference from the government), is winning the "hearts and minds" of the people. The only Egyptian/Muslim women who didn't cover when we were there were the well-educated, super wealthy residents. Everyone else covered - and some more conservatively than the Saudis.

It's easy to see Egypt heading for difficult times. I'd like to think that the US Government is prepared for unrest there, but I have my doubts....

Anonymous said...

your doubts are VERY well founded...
Serving Patriot

Anonymous said...

Here's Bob Reich's take on the "bitterness":

I think if I hear any more about this issue - I'll explode!

The Hundred-Million-Dollar-Woman calling BHO an elitist - and getting any coverage for doing so - just tells us that despite the Big Dog's desire, the "MEDIA" wants her to be the new king.


Weds needs to be the BHO knockout. I hope he will deliver.


Anonymous said...

Maybe the owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers is "bitter" too?

He endorsed BHO:
the revered owner of The Pittsburgh Steelers football team, Art Rooney, may well prove more persuasive to the "average" Pa Dem than what they hear about Obama from either Hillary or McCain:

"This is not something that I do regularly but as I listen to the candidates in this race, I am struck that we continue to hear about the problems and the same challenges that we have been talking about for decades. Protecting jobs here in Pennsylvania, breaking our dangerous and costly addiction to foreign oil, making health care accessible and affordable - these are neither new issues nor new ideas. And yet we have failed to make real progress.

As a grandfather and a citizen of this community I think Barack Obama's, thoughtful, strategic approach is important for America. When I hear how excited young people seem to be when they talk about this man, I believe he will do what is best for them which is to inspire them to be great Americans.

This time, we can't afford to wait. Our country needs a new direction and a new kind of leadership - the kind of leadership, judgment and experience that Senator Obama has demonstrated in more than 20 years of public service, and in a particularly impressive way in this campaign. Senator Obama has rejected the say-and-do anything tactics that puts winning elections ahead of governing the country. And he has rejected the back-room politics in favor of opening government up to the people. Barack Obama is the one candidate in this race who can finally put an end to business as usual in Washington and bring about real change for Pittsburgh and the country as a whole. He has inspired me and so many other people around our country with new ideas and fresh perspectives.

True sports fans know that you support your team even when they are the underdogs. Barack Obama is the underdog here but it is with great pride that I join his team."

How bout them apples Hundred-Million-Dollar-Woman?


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should link this to your picture of Higgy McSame?