Condi Rice secretly left the United States, flew to Baghdad (where she's taken up residence inside the Green Zone for as short a period of time as possible), and proceeded opened her mouth in Iraq and had this whopper (no, not the statement where she implied Moqtada al-Sadr is a coward):
"But clearly, the prime minister has laid down some ground rules which any functioning democratic state would insist upon, having to do with, you know, arms belonging to the state, not to -- not in private hands," she said. "The current circumstances come out of what I think is a very important and indeed appropriate action that the Iraqi government has taken."
Hmmm. "...rules which any functioning democratic state which would insist upon, having to do with, you know, arms belonging to the state...not in private hands."
Did I miss something? Have we scrapped the 2nd Amendment, you know, the one that allows guns in private hands? 'Cause I'm pretty sure the Supremes just heard the case involving DC's handgun ban (my prediction: it's overturned 6-3). Or maybe we still allow guns in private hands because the Bush administration has given up on even trying to run the country like a functioning democratic state.
Seriously, this is ironic on soooooo many levels. First of all, Maliki has his own militias, loyal to the ISCI (formerly SCIRI) and the DAWA parties. Are we going to insist they turn in their weapons because that's what any functioning democratic state would insist upon? Secondly, haven't we been arming groups in Iraq like the Kurdish peshmerga forces? Should they line up tomorrow morning to turn in their weapons?
Condi's verbal diarrhea is more proof that this administration has no idea what they're doing. I mean, the Secretary of State goes over to Iraq - secretly - and from behind the blast proof walls and armed escorts in and around the Green Zone and flat out says Sadr, one of the most popular dudes in Iraq, is a coward? WTF? Why are we provoking him? We had our chance to get rid of him in 2004. We blinked. Now he's calling the shots, threatening to call off his cease-fire (which had more to do with the "success" of the Surge than anything else) unless the Maliki Government keeps their mitts off his Badr Corps.
Heckvua job, Condi. "Bring it on" worked really well for us when Bushie said it.
My favorite irony is hearing both W and his "wife" claim that the United States "does not torture" and then read depressing news stories like this:
or this
or this
I think IRONY died on 12 December 2000 when 5 states-rights, conservative justices of the SCOTUS decided a presidential election in a manner not prescribed by the U.S. Constitution.
Funny thing is that I think today's SCOTUS, the same case would be 7-2.
And no one would do a damn thing about it. Least of all those in the government service (civil and military) who swore an oath to uphold the Constitution agains ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC.
In veteran's news, Huggy McSame and his closest collaborator (Huckleberry Graham) have unveiled THEIR propsal to overhaul the GI Bill:
Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) on Tuesday unveiled an overhaul of the GI bill to defend himself from veteran-group criticism and steal a bit of thunder from Sen. Jim Webb (Va.), a potential Democratic vice presidential candidate.
The move comes after McCain, a former Navy officer and prisoner of war, was heavily criticized by thousands of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans for not supporting Webb’s bill. The criticism was unusual for McCain, who has relied on his military credentials during the campaign.
It will be interesting to see how many of the R's on Sen Webb's list of 57 co-sponsors will defect now that there is an "alternative".
Huggy McSame... still playing the W. game. Co-opt the people with a look-a-like bill that really does nothing new. Nothing like "looking out for the troops", eh?
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