Friday, March 21, 2008

You know you're biased when your own reporters say so

I'm not a Faux News viewer. I've turned in occasionally this week, not at all surprised to find them spending about 53 minutes out of every hour talking about Barack Obama's minister, with the video on replay every 6 minutes and 30 seconds. EVERY SINGLE HOUR.

So this morning, they were doing the usual Faux News freakout over every word uttered by a Democrat, this time by Barack Obama's comment that his grandmother is a "typical white female." God forfend! Heavens to Besty!! My stars!! !The Faux News talking heads got a serious case of the vapors...

Along comes Chris Wallace, who basically tells them what the reality-based, logical, rational thinkers are all thinking about what Obama said: first, you've taken the words out of context, and second, you're continuing a to beat a horse that you beat to death two days ago, and then again yesterday. So shut up already!

I'm still no fan of the network, but it's somewhat comforting to know that at least someone at Faux has a shred of decency and integrity left.

Steve "This is HUGE!" Douche-y? Not so much.

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