Monday, May 5, 2008

John McCain and I have something in common

Neither one of us voted for George W. Bush in 2000!* At least, that's what Arianna Huffington is reporting.

Think about that...the 2008 Republican candidate for President is riding the coattails of a dude he disliked so much he refused to vote for in 2000. I can understand it - after what Bush and Rove did to him it's hard to believe that McNasty could ever be seen in the same room with him, let alone vote for him.

Sadly, I think it's perfectly in keeping with the campaign McSame is running though - for the Bush tax cuts now while being against them in 2001, against the occupation of Iraq in 2003 but for it now, opposing torture in general terms but voting against a torture ban last year. He'll be the 3rd Bush term, god forbid.

*Let me proudly state for the record that I have never, ever voted for anyone named "George Bush" - neither 41 nor 43.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

one thing you do not have in common with Huggy is that you are a "natural born citizen" unlike Panama Canal John