Not to be confused with this:
The Republicans are none too happy with Scotty, but let's recall what George Bush had to say about him when his resignation was announced:
WASHINGTON (AP) - White House press secretary Scott McClellan said Wednesday he is resigning, continuing a shakeup in President Bush's administration that has already yielded a new chief of staff and could lead to a change in the Cabinet.
Appearing with Bush on the White House South Lawn just before the president boarded a helicopter at the start a trip to Alabama, McClellan, who has parried especially fiercefully with reporters on Iraq and on intelligence issues, told Bush: "I have given it my all sir and I have given you my all sir, and I will continue to do so as we transition to a new press secretary."
Bush said McClellan had "a challenging assignment."
"I thought he handled his assignment with class, integrity," the president said. "It's going to be hard to replace Scott, but nevertheless he made the decision and I accepted it. One of these days, he and I are going to be rocking in chairs in Texas and talking about the good old days."
As for whether Scotty and Georgie will ever be sittin' 'round chewin' the fat and talkin' about the good ole days? I don't THINK so! (see the video above from one of the funniest mockumentaries to date)
The Mister and I are headed to NYC to see a live taping of "The Daily Show" with John Stewart next week. His very special guest that night? One Scott McClellan. Hopefully the brouhaha over his memoirs will not have faded from the limelight before John gets to take his pound of flesh.
what a great movie...
can I hardly wait for monday? I don;t think so!
The McLatchey bloggers tell the real story here:
Absolutely a MUST READ!!!
Webutante did it again,
Not only did she erase my response to her comment, she erased her own comment after reading my rebuttal.
If you happened to catch it, she said something like:
"you're giving away too much power"
My response that she deleted:
I'm giving away MY power?
Funny to hear this from you, a person who supports a president who has sanctioned:
1) torture and illegal incarceration - violation of Geneva Convention
2) illegal domestic spying - Constitutional violation
3) politicizing the Justice Dept.
4) illegal manipulation environmental policy
5) destruction of and/or failure to maintain presidential records - illegal
6) ignoring subpoenas, oversight/bogus claims of executive privilege
7) subverting law by profuse use of signing statements - condemned by the ABA
8) involvement in the Abramoff case
9) declassifying intelligence resulting in the Plame outing (treason)
10) Illegal transfer of $700 million from the budget for the war in Afghanistan for war preparations in Iraq in July 2002, without Congressional Approval - Constitutional violation.
(I can give irrefutable evidence of all abuses of power listed above.
And I'M giving up MY power?)
Please explain.
Here's how I explain the Webutante: she's a complete nut case. Absolutely off the deep end in every possible way. The most ill-logical extreme right wing blogger out there - and that's really saying something (example: Cindy McCain and her drug use are "off limits" because she's not running for President; Michele Obama's every word, clothing choice, parental decision and the like are fair game).
I mean, how can you honestly have a meaningful debate with someone who not only thinks talking about assassinating Barack Obama is fine - and actively supports the people who talk about it - but thinks that to NOT talk about it is ridiculous? Or a 65 year old woman who refers to people as "scum bags"? How do you talk rationally with a person like that?
"Free speech" is her pet project, although it's no suprise that your comments got deleted. It's more than a little hypocritical, but remember who you're dealing with. Rational thinking is not necessarily her forte. I'm suprised she let your comment in at all.
You should keep after her, though. Ellen does a good job pointing out her absolutely mind-blowing nonsense, but frankly, I'm getting tired of it. My kids are more interesting to debate - and more knowledgable, too.
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