If there is ever a monument built to remember the Bush/Cheney years (besides the trillion dollars in deficits we'll be paying off for ever), I hope it is a big, enormous granite "SO?", for that has been the general attitude of this administration since it took office in January, 2001.
On March 19, ABC news aired an interview reporter Martha Raddatz did with VP Dick Cheney. The highlights (such as they are):
“On the security front, I think there’s a general consensus that we’ve made major progress, that the surge has worked. That’s been a major success,” Cheney told ABC News’ Martha Raddatz.
When asked about how that jibes with recent polls that show about two-thirds of Americans say the fight in Iraq is not worth it, Cheney replied, “So?”
So, indeed. Who gives a shit what the American people think? Not the Bush Administration - just look at the record over the past 7 years.
The Bush Administration pushes for passage of the Patriot Act, thereby giving the government powers to inquire what books the American people are checking out of the library, listen to phone calls, read emails, and enter homes without having to notify the residents that the government has been there.
The Bush Administration pushes the CIA to rework its Iraq intelligence reports to show the presence of WMDs, ignores their pre-war assesments of post-invasion chaos and political obstacles, then blames the CIA for bad intell, tells GEN Tommy Franks to scale down the size of the military invading Iraq, and implies again and again and again and again and again a link between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden when none exists.
The Bush Administration calls for tax cuts during wartime - only the second administration in our history to do so, proposes closing VA hospitals nationwide, cuts medical benefits to veterans, and nickel and dimes the Congress over an additional 1/2 percent pay raise for fiscal '09, finally giving us the additional 1/2% (though not willingly).
The Bush Administration bullies the world into supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom, encourages democracy in the Middle East and then punishes the victors by cutting off aid, encourages democracy in the Middle East and then looks the other way when repressive governments punish democracy activists.
The Bush Administration extols its enviromental record while pushing things like the "Clear Skies" and "Healthy Forests" inititiatives - which in reality are anything but, sits idly by while species are nearing extinction, and appoints former gas and oil excutives to positions dealing with the environment and relies on gas companies for advice on global warming.
The Bush Administration appoints anti-birth control activists to head the Family Planning section of DHS - twice - and appoints men who prescribe bible passages to combat PMS to lead the Advisory Committee for Reproductive Health Drugs in the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
So? Whacha gonna do in November - get fooled again?
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